UC Nursery and Floriculture Alliance
University of California
UC Nursery and Floriculture Alliance

Best Management Practices

Conduct a trapping and detection program using yellow sticky traps


Sticky traps are an accurate means of determining pest presence and in some cases pest density.  Trap color has an attractive effect on some insects, and yellow is commonly the most attractive color.  By using yellow sticky traps one can monitor for more than one pest at a time.  Sticky traps alone can be used to monitor for some species.

GWSS:  Sticky traps are only an efficient monitoring tool when the pest is in high densities.  Use at least 2 traps per half acre (59).

            ACP:  Yellow or lime-green are the most attractive colors to ACP (7).  However they are only effective for monitoring presence, and are little use in determining pest density (38).

Applicable Pests
  • Asian citrus psyllid (ACP)
  • Red palm weevil (RPW)
Section Title
Trapping and Monitoring

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