UC Nursery and Floriculture Alliance
University of California
UC Nursery and Floriculture Alliance

Best Management Practices

Pheromone traps


Pheromone lures are needed to monitor for some pests.  Pheromones are attractive chemicals secreted by an organism to affect the behavior or development of other members of the same species. Sex pheromones that attract the opposite sex for mating are used in monitoring certain insects.

LBAM:  A pheromone lure on a yellow sticky trap is an effective way to monitor (61).

EGVM:  A pheromone lure on a yellow sticky trap is an effective way to monitor.  Use regulated E, Z-7, 9-12AC at a 0.5mg rate (25).  There should be one trap per five acres with a minimum of 2 traps per farm (42).

BMSB:  Pyramid traps with pheromone lures placed throughout the field can detect the presence of the pest, however there is no model to predict the pest’s density (1) (2).

Applicable Pests
  • Light brown apple moth (LBAM)
  • European grapevine moth (EGVM)
  • Brown marmorated stinkbug (BMSB)
  • Red palm weevil (RPW)
Section Title
Trapping and Monitoring

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